

Our Policy on managed e-commerce websites is simple, straightforward, and designed carefully for your business. We do care about your business needs and would like to offer the best solution possible. This Policy only applies to our managed e-commerce website solution for businesses.

Here is some policy that both parties (You and us) must oblige to, and listed below:


Refund policy on managed e-commerce website

About the website: We provide you a full refund when you never got a managed e-commerce website as we have described. For a complete reference, please see: the managed e-commerce website solution explained↗︎. The refund will be processed right away after we verify your case. The bank may take several days to process funds back into your account.

About Hosting: We also refund your hosting fee, which you paid last time, if our hosting has proven slow at our agreed rate and capacity. For complete reference on rates and website traffic capacity information, you can visit this link: our hosting plans ↗︎ If your site visitor exceeds the limit and rates, you will need a high-capacity server to handle that much traffic. This also raises the price of hosting subscriptions. The cost will depend on your business needs and how much you want to increase the server configuration, so we will share an estimation. You always have the option to agree or disagree with us. If you disagree, and your website crosses the limit and rates for hosting subscriptions as we have stated before, you will not be qualified for a refund.

You can request a refund of the hosting fees you have paid within a week. The refund amount will depend on the amount you have paid last time. Please be advised that we cannot process refunds for hosting subscriptions that are canceled without a valid reason as specified below.


A valid reason for a refund includes:

You cannot ask for a refund for a hosting subscription, that you purchased more than a week ago.


Our commitment to your privacy

By no chance do we not share critical information with third parties. We will notify you if needed, and data will be shared according to your consent. Some website plugins, such as the Facebook Live Chat plugin, and payment gateway systems, such as Stripe, may need your system and basic customer information to process an order or enable live chat functionality. We have no control over this; you can check their privacy policy here:

  1. If you use Facebook live chat: Facebook privacy policy↗︎ Applies.
  2. If you use the Stripe payment gateway: Stripe privacy policy↗︎ Applies.
  3. If you use the Mailchimp email marketing plugin for newsletter subscriptions and automate email delivery about campaigns on selected website users: Mailchimp privacy policy↗︎ Applies.

Remember that third-party plugins are optional, and removing these can affect a part of your website’s functionality, as mentioned earlier. You can remove them anytime. To do so, you can contact our support↗︎ to remove those plugins. Remember that the first four-time plugin adding/removal support is free. After that, you must pay an additional 40$ each time we work to re-initiate or remove those plugins.


About website hosting

A website needs reliable hosting to serve this online and make it accessible online. We use super fast servers to keep running your website. We ensure everything to make your service always accessible, even if thousands of customers visit your website in real-time. To keep your website live all the time, you must pay your website hosting fee on time, which can be monthly, tri-monthly, six-monthly, yearly, or two-yearly, depending on the plan you choose. When your plan expires, we will email you several times to remind you. After one month of expiration, we will send you the final notice. If you don’t pay the rental fee within the next week, your website, including all files and databases, will be deleted automatically from our server. After deleting all your data, restoring your website will not be possible. So, always pay on time to avoid losing your website and data.


Erasing your website

You reserve full right to erase your website, including all saved data, from our server. To do this, submit a customer service ticket from here: support portal↗︎. Upon deletion, we will ask again to confirm your request; if you confirm, your website will be erased from our server. After deleting your website from our server, it’s not possible to restore your website and website data. You can also ask for your website database and data backup(Source code, too, if you have a license), so we will provide you a downloadable link to all your files, which expire in a week.


About premium support options

We love to support you. Still, because of the nature of the solution we are providing you with our managed e-commerce website solution, it’s not possible to provide A to Z support for your business needs. Premium support, including daily automated backup of your website, staff-baked professional disaster recovery support, making design changes to your website, support with all technical needs, etc, we can’t provide for free. There is always an option to get premium support, which can be monthly, yearly, or one-time support. However, we do encourage you to report any issues experienced. If you didn’t make any changes, and the website is problematic, in that case, you will get full free support from us, completely free of charge!


About website source code

As we offer a managed e-commerce website at a price tag that is not even close to our competitors, we have several bars to keep this price unmatched, which contain no access to your website source code without a valid license. The source code means code that is used to build your website and its functionalities. We believe we offer enough customization support; however, we still do not share source code file access for free. If you need your website’s source code, you must pay us a source code access license fee to get full access to your website’s source code. We do not place any restrictions on your website data, such as user-uploaded images and documents, assets added while customizing your website and database, etc. You can purchase a license here: source code license purchase form↗︎


Words about source code license

With a source code license, you reserve full rights over your website, including all your website data and codes that were used to create your website. Initially, our managed e-commerce website doesn’t come with a source code license, which means you can access all your website data except the website code. To obtain a source code license, fill out this form and pay the license fee (You need to be logged in to submit this form): source code license purchase form↗︎


The source code license fee is non-refundable.


Your website data

Only the staff of our technical team has access to your website data. We don’t access your website files unless you have reported some issues that need our attention or if there are any system or security updates where we need to perform special actions.  Sensitive credentials such as API keys and passwords are hashed and encrypted so that no one can understand what’s inside them. We do not share any access to third parties and are committed to providing maximum data security support for your website for free.

We do not make any kind of backups, or we do not read your website content without your consent. There are some cases in which we may have legal obligations to share your website data with law enforcement companies upon verifying illegal activities. We never use your website data anywhere.


Database backup

Yes, we do offer free backup database support. You also have access to all website media, including all data added from you and your website user.


No illegal products or contents

Our platform does not tolerate any illegal activities, products, or content. According to local and international law, we will immediately delete your website from our server if we find any illegal activity. No backups or refunds will be provided. We may provide your website data to law authorities if found guilty of doing illegal activities according to local and international laws if they ask so.


About transferring your website from us to another hosting

You can always transfer your website from our host to another hosting server, Freely. However, if you do not have a license for your website source code, we will never share the code that is used to create your website. We do offer you free database and file backup created from your website. If you have a source code license, we also provide you with fully working website source code with all files and databases created from your website and a detailed guide to set this website up again on another server. Note that we cannot directly help you initialize your website on another hosting company.


To obtain a source code license, navigate here: source code license purchase form↗︎.


Your website will be erased from our server, If

  • When you cancel your hosting subscription, deleting your website entirely from our server will take up to a week.
  • When you are not paying the hosting fee – from the expiration date to 37 days.
  • Request to delete your website from our server. Upon verification of your request, your website, including all your data, will be immediately deleted.
  • Illegal activities or products – We do not tolerate any illegal activities. According to local and international law, if we find any illegal activities, we will immediately inform the local law authorities, and upon investigation, if you are found guilty, your website will be permanently erased, and no backups or refunds will be processed.

Remember that your website data cannot be recovered again once we delete your data from our server.


No tempering will be allowed.


Modifying, copying website source code illegally, or trying to obtain access to our server without our consent is treated as a severe threat to our system. Upon proving your attempt to tempering, we will suspend your hosting account and remove your website from our server, and a backup of your website data will be provided to download for the next week.

Also, in that case, we do not process any refund. Thanks for understanding.




The policies outlined here are not yet finalized and may be subject to change. However, we will notify all customers via email of any changes made to this page, along with the impact of those changes on our managed e-commerce website offering. Additionally, the policies explicitly mentioned in this document are final as of this writing. Any policies that are not explicitly mentioned are invalid and not covered by our policies.


Thanks for your time.